Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Discussion Forum

Is anyone perfect when it comes to physical distancing?

Is anyone perfect when it comes to physical distancing?

by Guitar Girl -
Number of replies: 1


While I know that we all need to practice physical distancing at all times, I'm having trouble doing it perfectly.  I live on a street which is tiny and cramped and has kids on it.  When I walk out my door, there are my neighbours 10 feet away on their own property.  I love all my neighbours.  I have a kid too and our kids play together--not all day but sometimes on weekends.  They ride bikes, play hockey or soccer on the street and are trying to stay 6 feet away from each other but it's not perfect.  The only way to do this perfectly would be to yank my kid inside the house each time someone else comes out.   I have taken my kid to the park etc. but there are always more kids at the park than on my street. Plus, kids at the park are all strangers, not like the bubble of 4 families of neighbours who all know each other.  They say it takes a village to raise a child and my little street is a village.  I find that taking my kid to the park comes with more risks than letting them play on the street where everyone is known to them.

So, I'm not a perfect physical distancer but am doing my best.  But if there are other insights or advice that people have, I would like to hear it. 


In reply to Guitar Girl

Re: Is anyone perfect when it comes to physical distancing?

by COVID19 Moderator -
Hello Guitar Girl, thank you for haring your experiences and concern with us here.
It definitely sounds like you are doing your best to respect the recommended guidelines and you should give yourself credit for that. Undoubtedly, it is hard to follow guidelines like social distancing perfectly, for the simple reason that we can only control our behaviour and not others'.
I also appreciate how you were able to find a middle ground between staying at home and going to overcrowded parks by opting to let the kids play in the street. That resonates with me too as a safe option.

Children are born learners and can be quite innovative. When going to the park or playing in the street with other kids, they can engage is social-distanced games like soccer, rope hopping, charades, scavenger hunt, hide & seek and many others!
You can even make an activity out of this where you brainstorm with the children social distanced games for them to play.
Most of us may not be perfect "social distancers", but I think we can still reduce risk by adopting the suggested recommendations like wearing masks and going to less crowded area -as you are doing already- .
You can check out this website for more ideas on how to help yourself and your children during these times

I would be interest myself in hearing other people's strategies on how they are going about this?