Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Discussion Forum

Keeping the Custodial staff safe

Keeping the Custodial staff safe

by Always Mom -
Number of replies: 4

There has been much legitimate attention paid to the shortage of protective gear for medical and nursing staff.

But  the people who clean those contaminated spaces where infected patients have worked or visited also cannot get protective gear. They are at risk every day and nobody has even noticed. Nobody is ordering a plane load of gear for them. 

One of them is my child and I fear for their life.  This person Works in a large site that houses numerous essential businesses and government offices.  And they can’t get  protective gear to clean any of those spaces, even  contaminated sites .  Unionized employees have the right to refuse this unsafe work, but ‘ management ‘ , maybe not. 

Quite frankly, without custodial staff in every space occupied by people, all of the containment  strategies we are currently using  fail, yet these people are on the  job with minimal or no protective gear every day.  

This mum is scared and helpless! 

In reply to Always Mom

Re: Keeping the Custodial staff safe

by Duchess of Toronto -
I strongly advise you to take action and write to your Councillor. Here is the feed from what I wrote to mine today:

Hello Councillor Layton:

Could you kindly read through the feed here and understand that ALL shared residences - condos, duplexes, triplexes, etc need your direction at this time regarding tenant safety. My specific concerns herein are with regard to:

1. Cleaning safety and efficacy,
2. Frequent guests whom are not tenants or 'health workers/higher risk group assistants or helpers", and almost most importantly -
3. Second hand smoke.

Thank you for your assistance, care and attention in advance.
In reply to Always Mom

Re: Keeping the Custodial staff safe

by Duchess of Toronto -
I've also been going back and forth with my landlord regarding this and that is what I forwarded to the Councillor along with these helpful links:

COVID-19: cleaning in non-healthcare settings
In reply to Always Mom

Re: Keeping the Custodial staff safe

by Duchess of Toronto -
Please learn how to make bandana masks for her and ensure she wear disposable gloved and some kind of apron that is bagged for 72 hours after each cleaning job and washed in soap and hot water.
In reply to Duchess of Toronto

Re: Keeping the Custodial staff safe

by COVID19 Moderator -
Hi Duchess of Toronto: Thanks so much for providing this information to Always Mom's post and our discussion board community. It looks like you have done some excellent research, and can provide lots of helpful information! 

Here are some other helpful resources on:

CDC Cleaning Guidelines (with suggestions for custodial staff):

Hope this helps!