Hi S Kau, thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. Kudos to you and all our frontline workers, your strength and efforts during this time are truly appreciated!
Feeling anxious about going to the grocery store is certainly normal during the pandemic. While we can’t always control the environment around us, we can take steps to reduce the risk and spread of infection, such as practicing good hand hygiene, social distancing and wearing a non-medical face mask when we cannot maintain proper physical distance (such as grocery shopping). For more tips on grocery shopping during COVID-19, check out this video
You may also find it helpful to access our webpage on managing anxious thoughts http://www.camh.ca/covid19#coping
Feeling anxious about going to the grocery store is certainly normal during the pandemic. While we can’t always control the environment around us, we can take steps to reduce the risk and spread of infection, such as practicing good hand hygiene, social distancing and wearing a non-medical face mask when we cannot maintain proper physical distance (such as grocery shopping). For more tips on grocery shopping during COVID-19, check out this video
You may also find it helpful to access our webpage on managing anxious thoughts http://www.camh.ca/covid19#coping
Having questions about the use of PPE by essential employers is also understandable. The government of Canada has issued guidelines for workplaces/businesses to follow during the COVID-19 pandemic, including the use of PPE when necessary. You can check out their guidelines here: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/guidance-documents/risk-informed-decision-making-workplaces-businesses-covid-19-pandemic.html